What Others Are Saying

“A page turning glimpse into the lifestyle of a Jehovah’s Witness. Anyone who has recieved a Witness at their door will find Clark’s perspective intriguing. The story is engrossing, and the writing solid. One man’s successful return from a spiritual hell.”
– Kirkus Review
“[I, Witness] is a sobering revelation of the darkness within corrupted religion. Enhanced with the inclusion of a practical, positive, step-by-step for personal emancipation….”
–Midwest Book Review
”The author is to be commended for coming forward with his tale of abuse, violence and insanity. This chilling and disquieting account should be read by anyone who has left a cult or knows of someone in a cult, as well as their families and loved ones.”
– as seen in The New York Times Book Review
“Sure to be controversial and shocking. Clark’s account of his personal experience with Jehovah’s Witnesses is unnerving and oftentimes shattering. It’s an important book that will be sure to stir a lot of discussion.”
– Janette Owens, Author of Man With a Vengeance
“Brilliantly written, the author’s experience with the Watchtower Society is both raw and riveting. Highly recommended.”
– Vivekanand Palavali, M.D., Author of A Mindful Life
“An important book for all those involved with cults, their members and the families whose lives they touch. Clark shows the strength and fortitude it takes to go against the current when it would be much easier to go with the flow.”
– Wanda Campbell, author of First Sunday in October
“Too little information about cults has made its way into public awareness. From the perspective of one who has lived his life in a cult, this book sheds light on the issues and helps dispel prejudices.”
– Amber Ellis, author of Alta Fey’s Allegiance
“This book is a moving account of one man’s journey toward freedom from religious repression.”
– Maurice Borrows, author of Freedom After Life
“Your writing speaks to the heart of many”
– Rev Lloyd Barrett, Mile High Church
“[Your books] are each a treasure….. The Spirit is leading you and will guide your ministry. It was His blessings that brought us together.”
– Father Thomas Keating, Saint Benedict’s Monastery, CO

“….you really had me on the edge as to what would happen next!!!! It is most inspirational and well spoken!!! I felt like you were just talking to me – in a casual easy way. It really expresses the way life works in all its wondrous ways!!!! And of course, the finest of all – was the way you met Angela!!
– Rev Marjorie Staum, Mile High Church
“I enjoyed your CD on Graced by Miracles. The truth prevails and sometimes there is no other real answer to outcomes than to know that there are true miracles in living that come through believing in something greater than ourselves called Grace. You explain your experiences very clearly and these experiences touch our souls and our inner beingness in a way that gives us encouragement and belief that positive thins are available to us in our lives when we listen to the spirit within. I highly recommend that people hear your story in a way that can remind them of their own miracles that are available in life.”
– David French, Aspen, Colorado

“I’m on my 3rd time reading your book, Dan and I think it is better than “The Secret”. I just love it and it has truly changed my life and the way I now see God.
– Pam Langsam, Author: “Vegas Dazzle” – Las Vegas, NV
“It’s the most incredible book I’ve ever read and I want to make the very best movie trailer that I can for this book because the book deserves it!”
– Anne Frisz, Owner: Freeze Frame Productions – Littleton, CO

“Clark includes his own experiences as a seeker and finder of oneness and because the book is written as though Clark is talking directly to the reader his experiences can be very helpful…. For those who are spiritual seekers, Clark’s book presents a new way of looking at the pathway to God. It is definitely not presented as an easy pathway and the conclusion tells the reader that it is okay to fall off the pathway and that it is always there to step back onto. The Divine Order of Alchemy could be just what some seekers are looking for”.– Helen Crowley, 2014 – California
If you want to really know who you are and just why we're here, and not only that, but to find a much deeper relationship with God - take a look at this wonderful experience of taking a journey through the various mystical stations found in the old tabernacle used by the Israelites in the Wilderness as they journeyed for 40 years after leaving Egypt. It's quite profound and you'll find that it will open you up to deeper truths within your mind and comprehension of who and what you thought God is and the Union that is actually possible and that God actually wants and has wanted all along. This idea of Union with God has become lost but was always the plan. After discovering these nuggets of truth, you'll find your mind becoming more spacious and opening up to more creativity and ideas flooding in. With the truth of what I'm doing here, who I really am, what I'm really a part of and here to accomplish becoming more clear - my life purpose seems to be coming more into focus. I know more than ever, that I am not alone! I highly recommend this book. It's a life changer. - Truth Seeker